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Research Brief: Cutting Through the SD-WAN Confusion: A Handy Guide for Enterprises

With billions of dollars in upcoming revenue forecast for the SD-WAN market, there’s plenty of “SD-WAN-washing” going on, with many solution providers jumping into the fray. Vendors slap the SD-WAN label on their products, promising the world to enterprises looking to revamp their WAN. This free-for-all in the marketplace leads to confusion for enterprises.

And while the SDxCentral Research team’s own analysis and market research point to a clear demand by enterprises for new WAN solutions, our surveys also show that confusion abounds about which vendors are the best fit for a given enterprise.

With more and more offerings cropping up on a weekly basis, sorting through the huge list of SD-WAN vendors isn’t an easy task. The key to success for enterprises is to first understand what their WAN needs are, before engaging the vendors.



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To assist, our SDxCentral research team has put together this Research Brief for enterprises that lays out a 5-step process for SD-WAN solution selection along with a set of solution attributes that they should consider. Our Research Brief series is a new research product with short, easily-consumed content that provides credible, concrete and actionable analysis to our readers.

This Research Brief will provide enterprises with an understanding of the five-step process for SD-WAN solution selection, including:

  • Getting a clear picture on business drivers
  • Controlling the scope of SD-WAN deployment
  • Mapping enterprise needs to a clear feature set (the Brief also provides handy list of core feature considerations for enterprises)
  • Evaluating how best to purchase an SD-WAN solution, including DIY or managed options
  • Rolling out and breaking into phases for manageable deployments


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